He tried to break the glass door to escape.
In a hospital, a thin man was breathing heavily, his eyes widened with panic. He was holding a brick and repeatedly hitting the door, causing every piece of glass to shatter.
Everyone around ran scattered. They thought he was trying to sabotage; they imagined he would take the glass and attack everyone.
Immediately, security guards with tools rushed in and locked their arms and legs. He struggled, tears welled up, and kept calling for help.
He thought someone was draining the air from the room, and he had to find a way to escape, inhale a few liters of oxygen, and continue living.
People should have asked him why he did that. But no, they imagined what he was doing, thinking he would attack – but that wasn’t the case. He even thought that someone was draining the air from the room, but that was not the case.
This is a story that reflects the current social situation. If we think a little deeper, we (including me) don’t see everything around us as it really is. That’s why we constantly feel anxious, afraid, or threatened at the slightest stimulus. For example, looking at that guy’s face, I already hate him. It’s a problem that causes all kinds of conflicts in relationships. More seriously, it affects your spiritual life.
For example:
You see someone upset or upset about what you are doing, think they are targeting you, react, argue, and things get worse. Does this often happen in a husband and wife relationship?
But the truth is, they are just reflecting their pain from the past.
If your spouse/parent comes home from work and is annoyed or irritated with what you are doing (or not doing at all), it is very likely that when they were children, they were treated the same way by adults. At the company, they were bullied by their boss (but didn’t dare to protest).
I’m not saying you give in – no, that’s the weakest way I feel. You can ignore it as if you didn’t hear it; you can help them realize the problem using any method you see fit. But at least you won’t react, you won’t hate them, you won’t be controlled by your emotions, and you will react like a puppet. You have lived rationally, with self-control, and with a correct sense of reality.
Is it?
Another example is if a parent scolds their child because they love to play and do not study, it is very likely that in the past, they were not good at studying or were good at studying but did not have the conditions to study. They will have to live through you, living with unfinished wishes.
If you look like that, you are living in awareness. Instead of constantly paying attention to your racing mind, you begin to explore someone else’s world. You will become sympathetic and forgive quickly. You are not entangled or manipulated by other people’s emotions (science calls this emotional intelligence – EQ).
What if you were them?
You will need to observe yourself. As psychologist Carl Jung once said, “Everything that makes us uncomfortable about others can help us understand ourselves.” You observe yourself with conscious eyes – this is the process of self-awareness.
In particular, when you realize how the past affects your personality, you will find a way to eliminate the past. Who you are is no longer a result of past events. The person you are now is the present. And who you will be in the future is what you choose right now.

You are not what happens to you; you are what you choose to become
You choose who you become today, the person you will become.
Every decision is in your hands.
I delve deeply into human potential through psychology, science, and spirituality to solve and share my problems with others.
I hope this idea will help you improve your life.