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Think bigger

Jul 5, 2024

Thinking small, the mind becomes limited.

Vision begins to shorten. Our work and life become stuck because our attention is always paid to minor problems.

So how do you think better?

It’s been over 2 years since I stopped using other social networks to join X. Here, I am inspired by extraordinary people in the world (Elon, Dan, Naval, Joe Dispenza, James Clear, Peterson, etc.). It is they who make my thoughts bigger every day.

I call them thought leaders.

Thinking big starts with something other than wanting to become rich. Those are just the consequences and rewards of your right path. Thinking bigger is thinking beyond yourself. You will no longer have selfish thoughts about yourself lingering in your head. You start thinking about others, working with a purpose beyond yourself, and leaving a legacy – a meaningful work that leads your soul to a state of happiness from within (which the author Mihaly’s book Flow calls the flow state).

The brain can only process 7 bits of information at a time (1) and processes a maximum of 126 bits of information per second (2). Your brain has limits. When your mind is filled with big thoughts, there is no room for petty, sad and happy things. You forgive someone easily. You readily don’t care about negative words, criticism or criticism. You stop thinking about the past, live more in the present, and look forward to the future. Your mind opens up, and creative ideas flood in from nowhere. This is your time to change your own destiny.

So how do you think bigger?

You are influenced by the people you come into contact with. You are the average of the 5 people you spend time with – Jim Rohn. In the internet world, you surround yourself by following them. They will inspire and remind you every day. Simple as that.

Next, you need to write down your thoughts. At this point, your thinking appears in its original form on white paper. It becomes clear. You observe, squeeze, cut what is excess, and add more to what is lacking; that is how you gradually grow your thoughts.

Thinking small makes the mind narrow.

Thinking big helps you open the door to a world full of opportunities.

Think like a child; they need to eat healthy food, interact with the right people, and learn in the right places to grow up.

– Duc Thong

(1) George A. Miller, “The Magic Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity to Process Information,” Psychological Review 63, no. 2 (1956): 81–97. 🔙

(2) Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (New York: HarperPerennial, 2008), 29. 🔙

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